
I can’t recommend this treatment enough! 18 months of the most excruciating sciatica pains, leaving me unable to walk more than a few yards, unable to stand for more than a few minutes and broken sleep! Tried so many different things, then you were highly recommended to me, I had 2 sessions and then a 3rd top up and have been pain free since, and able to live life again.

Having known and trusted Priti for several years, I was curious to learn more about TRE.

I considered myself healthy and trauma free so had a totally open mind about what the experience would entail and no expectations about the outcome. I was just curious.

After guiding me through the exercises and process I felt able to relax into the treatment.

The expression of release was incredibly powerful way beyond any expectation I had.

It is hard to describe the experience of the shaking but it felt as natural and powerful as or sobbing so hard your shoulders shake, laughing out loud or singing at the top of your voice.

I was incredibly surprised by the power of the shaking and vibrations through my body.

Afterwards there was a feeling of lightness like a weight literally being taken off your shoulders or pressure released from your chest, as in the phrase “I got that off my chest”.

I never thought I had trauma in my life but years of everyday pressure, stress, worry and anxiety which is so much part of our everyday lives had, I realised,  built up over the years. This process of building up pressure is silent and invisible, like scale on your teeth which can then only be released by your dental hygienist. Similarlty our normal day to day stress builds up and we pride ourselves that we are coping, but we are just keeping it boxed up.

The only way we can get rid of stress is by releasing it.

Fundamentally stress, anxiety and fear create a “fight or flight” response. Some of us release this a little by exercise, mindfulness, meditation and self care. Just as we brush our teeth daily, it does help, but is is only brushing over things. Over time, our bodies hold in stress we need something more to actually RELEASE the pent up long term stress.

I have never had an experience so powerful and would recommend a TRE treatment to anyone whether you think you have trauma or not. It left me feeling lighter, calmer, more relaxed and more appreciative of the world around me.

Priti’s space is beautiful and welcoming, instilling calm and relaxation. Her spiritual intuition makes you feel and home and in safe hands.

Try TRE, and I hope it makes you feel as mentally and spiritually cleansed and rejuvenated as it did me and all the people I have known benefitted from the experience.

Even if you are just curious.

I was recommended Priti’s Cranio and TRE session and I had heard so many incredible things about her and her sessions.

Before my sessions I’m not scared to say I was in a really bad place mentally. I really did not want to be alive and I couldn’t help but think about suicide an awful lot! I hated myself and my past and struggled with forgiveness for myself and others.


I first attended Cranio with Priti and my first impression was I felt safe and really comfortable. I felt like I’ve known her my whole life.

I believe everything happens for a reason and you meet particular people for a reason. I felt that this session came at the perfect time and Priti was the right person for me! The Cranio session was amazing and I instantly felt lighter. The chest pains and anxiety that I could shift had lifted. A lot of questions I had were answered and I was blown away. Priti was so professional, and was absolutely incredible. After the session I felt completely different which was shocking. I really wanted to be alive for once and I felt free. I started to think about myself differently and I’ll never forget Priti telling me “The light in your soul is the brightest, trust me I’ve seen it. Never forget that light in your soul”. That’ll stick with me forever. It’s now embedded in me and I find myself repeating this often. At that moment I knew the TRE would be transformational!

I attended the TRE session and it was unbelievable! To find the words to describe Priti and the TRE is extremely difficult ! I had high expectations and I was blown away. During the session was life changing, I was so proud of myself and my body and it made me love myself even more. I left the session feeling extremely proud of myself, lighter, happier, and most importantly I now know no one can ever make me feel worthless, because I know I’m more than good enough. I left the session with so much knowledge that I can use for the rest of my life! I couldn’t imagine life without these sessions. I can’t thank Priti Coles enough ❤️


Priti absolutely loves what she does and thats what makes the sessions even more special and powerful. She puts her heart and soul into these, gives you so much knowledge about yourself and what you can do and you can tell this is her purpose and she was born for this ❤️ Priti has shown me my true potential and I feel like I’ve got control of my life back. I now know my life is precious and I can live the most happiest life because I deserve it! The light in my soul will never ever be dimmed ❤️

Remote / Distance Healing Testimonial

I have known Priti for over 20 years and touched base with her recently during lockdown.  On the day that I spoke with Priti I was reminded of the healing work that she does using various treatments including TRE and craniosacral.

I had not considered having a virtual treatment previously and when I realised this was an option I was intrigued and not quite sure what to expect. I had wanted to take some time out and focus on my own well being for quite a while. Priti was very accommodating and we agreed a session that suited me of an evening. The evening of the appointment I ensured that I was in a suitable environment for the treatment and Priti held a video call with me, where she asked if there were any areas that I needed to be worked upon.  She then showed me her treatment room from where she would be undertaking the treatment, this assisted me visually to connect. Priti went on to let me know that she would start the treatment in 2 mins from when she hung up and would send me a message once the treatment was complete and should I want to speak with her after that she would be available.

I turned off all my usual distractions and lay down. As soon as the treatment started I found my mind wandering and then what I can only describe as my legs feeling heavy and being weighed down towards the bed. There was a tingling in my feet and I felt heat and pressure around my knee and left side of my face. I felt extremely relaxed and I found my breathing was more controlled and I had a real feeling of calm. The next time I opened my eyes it was actually morning and I had slept through waking up before my alarm sounding!

I can only explain that when I woke up I felt alert, focussed and like a heavy weight had been lifted from my shoulders. My mood was good and I found that I had more energy than I had in previous weeks and days. I really enjoyed the session and more importantly I loved the fact that I did not have to drive in traffic, to and from a consultation and that I was in my own comfortable environment.

When I spoke to Priti the following afternoon she told me of the areas that she had found needed work and these were in line with a few ailments that I had not mentioned to anyone. I will be recommending this form of treatment to everyone but I would say go in with an open mind, just go with it, trust Priti, she is a true connoisseur in her field. I will be making this a part of my personal health and well being regime going forward.

Thank you for the experience.

Distance Healing